Diaspora Conferences

The Diaspora International Conferences launched in 2008 in Brighton, United Kingdom. Adopting a more holistic approach, the diaspora conference aims to provide a stimulus for knowledge exchange and discussion that focuses on issues relating to the role of diaspora in technology transfer (TT) and achieving sustainable development (SD) to critically examine the relations and links between diaspora, Sudan and host countries, and attempts to outline policy and strategies to support the role of diaspora in developing, creating wealth and achieving SD in Sudan. The conference also aims to learn lessons from the successful communities across the world and emulate the ideas and innovations of these communities by Sudan.

The main objectives of the Diaspora Conferences are:

  • Initiate and establish a network of diaspora and diaspora organisations having a common ground in promoting SD in Sudan.
  • Identify ways in which Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) can enable Sudanese diaspora to contribute more effectively to achieve SD in Sudan.
  • Explore global viewpoints on different issues relating to STI and SD and why they are important, and to provoke forward thinking on the role of STI in solving Sudan’s problems related to sustainability.
  • Address growing concerns for the future of our interlocked ecological, political and economic systems in a highly populated world that is characterised by major social and economic disparities.
  • Cooperate with national and international organisations and donors to achieve SD in Sudan.
  • Define and implement a learning and collaboration platform that efficiently supports all interaction and work between different partners.
  • Develop a framework for the analysis of the role of academic & research institutions and societies in achieving SD in Sudan.
  • And finally make the conference into a regular event.