
Published in partnership with the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)

Our publications provide an overview of sustainable development, discuss why it is important and promote the development of a more coherent approach to solving global problems related to sustainability. In doing so, a holistic approach is used to critically examine the interrelationship between the natural, governmental, economic and social dimensions of our world and how science and technology can contribute to solutions. Although science, technology and sustainable development are the main focus of our publications, many other fields are represented. Our books are a truly global resource, which is reflected in the varied national and cultural origins of the contributors.

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Most of our publications are FREE OF CHARGE to institutions within the developing countries and by purchasing any book, you are making a contribution towards enabling a poorer student to receive our free publications.

Adopting a more holistic approach, the Diaspora Book Series aims to provide a global perspective and understanding of the role of diaspora in their host countries as well as their countries of origin and therefore provides a stimulus for knowledge exchange and discussion that focuses more specifically on issues relating to the role of diaspora in technology transfer (TT) and achieving sustainable development (SD) to critically examine the relations and links between diaspora, country of origin and host countries.

Featuring case studies, ground-breaking research and new conceptual approaches, the series includes contributions from a range of diaspora scholars, professionals and leaders as well as scholars from around the world.
